March Outing! Fresh Water Time.

March Outing!  Fresh Water Time.

Saturday, March 20th Outing

March is traditionally our freshwater outing. We used to fish Walsingham Lake and meet up at a pavilion at
noon for the picnic. Not this time.
So, this year we must fish freshwater, but each of us also gets to decide where to fish. The only stipulation is that you can fish only in Pinellas, Hillsborough, or Manatee Counties. (So, if you live in a gatedcommunity with lots of retainer ponds with hundreds of hungry, stupid bass, your catch still qualifies.)
Members catching the longest bass, longest cichlid, and longest bream will win gift cards to Bill Jackson’s Shop for Adventure and if your fishes are the longest of the day you’ll take the lead in one of the outing tournament categories. Measure and email pictures of your possible winning fish to Bob Burkard.

Mayan cichlid? Catch and Consume. Yes, catching the longest version of this hard-fighting invasive will earn you a prize when and if we get back together in person. Here’s advice from MyFWC.: Flyfishers may use wooly worms and popping bugs. Good eating fish; take as many as you like, but do not live release them.
But, but, but…where shouldyou fish? It’s your call.

Also post them on our club’s Facebook. site…