Virtual August Meeting: Zoom Panel on Tarpon!

Virtual August Meeting: Zoom Panel on Tarpon!

Suncoast Fly Fishers,

This is to remind you that we’ll have our August Meeting VIRTUALLY again, August, 20th at 7 pm.

Tail Magazine Rafle,  A free 1 year subscription will be given to one lucky member.  (You must join the ZOOM meeting to be eligible.)

Speakers will be a panel discussion on Tarpon. 

Panelist are Capt. Dave Dant, His specialty is saltwater fly-fishing for Tarpon and sight fishing.

Mike Larkin, A marine scientist and expert on silver kings.

And a special guest from our very own “From shore” Tarpon guy.

Keep your eyes on your email inbox for the Zoom meeting info and invitation. See you that Thursday!