Saturday, Marchj 19 Outing
Fish in the morning. Meet up at noon at Pavilion #8 for a picnic lunch

Fish in the morning. Meet up at noon at Pavilion #8 for a picnic lunch
We’re going back to Walsingham Lake, one of only two freshwater outings we have each year. The other one is October’s Carl Hanson outing on the Hillsborough River
Walsingham Lake has all of the amenities we need – a boat ramp, convenient access, good shoreline fishing spots, picnic pavilions with grills. Oh, and I can’t leave this out — restrooms.
You can launch your motorboat but you can’t use the internal combustion engine.
Outing prizes will go to the members catching the longest bass and the longest panfish including crappie, bluegill, redear, and sunshine bass. Measure your longest fish. Take a picture. You know the thing