Our July outing is on. Well, fishing is on. But you can’t eat.
Well, actually, you can eat but we won’t be having a sit down picnic lunch like we did once upon a time. The board agrees it’s just too risky right now to socialize like that.
And that’s okay, because the primary objective for most of us is to fly fish. And Saturday, July 18, we can all fly fish one of the great saltwater fishing spots. Fort DeSoto Park at the mouth of Tampa Bay. By the way, did you hear that big snook are spawning on the beaches?

Fish near the park from your kayak or boat, or wade in. There’ll be prizes awarded to the member who catches the longest snook, the longest redfish, and the longest seatrout.
You can fish all day and night, too. Go for it.

This Bathymetry map of the water inside Fort DeSoto Park shows the depth in colors. The more yellow-orange-red colors show deeper water.