I grew up in Rhode Island fishing with a spin rod from my grandfather. As my skills improved, I began fishing for stripers and blue fish around Narraganset Bay. While I enjoyed saltwater, I still enjoyed opening day of trout season in my local trout waters. A friend introduced me to fly fishing with a trip to Montana for cutthroat and brown trout, I was hooked on fly fishing.
After moving to Florida in 1991 for a job, I started fly tying at Bill Jacksons where I met a bunch of guys that I continue tying with on Monday nights in Bruce Evensen’s garage. We also fish together mostly from our kayaks around Tampa Bay and everglades with an occasional trip to north Georgia, the Carolinas and beyond.
I love being part of this club and look forward to my role in supporting the aims and purposes of the charter. I especially like working with the youth in the summer programs teaching fly fishing, the Mayfly Project who teach foster kids how to fly fish and expect to improve my casting skills with the clubs certified casting instructors.