Saturday, February 19 Outing
Fish in the morning. Meet up at noon at Pavilion #4 on North Beach for a Low Country Boil picnic.
We didn’t have a club picnic at the January outing so, Covid willing, we’ll meet up in person at the February outing at Fort DeSoto Park.
Fish any of the water in or around FDP. Ten dollar gift certificates will go to members catching the longest redfish, longest snook, and longest seatrout. Measure your longest fish and take pictures. Email them to BOB. You know the thing.

Where will you fish? The Gulf shoreline is on the left. The Tampa Bay shoreline is to the right. Bunces pass is along the top. Some like to crash through mangrove shorelines and fly fish the warmer backcountry water, too. Some waders like to park at the boat ramp and wade west into Mullet Bayou. You can start fishing there before the park opens. |
If you want your longest fish to be entered into the contest be sure to meet up at Pavilion #4 by noon. That’s when the longest fish winners are determined.
Low country boil, you ask?.
Gobble up shrimp and sausage and sweet corn on the cob. Yeah, the low country boil. It’s a terrific tradition started by the Craig family and we can’t let it go.
The park opens at 7 am. There’s a $5 entrance fee per vehicle. Park diagram and other info is on the FDP website..