After further review of delta variant we aren’t meeting this month in person but we are still fishing Lake Seminole. Please respect others space, mask if warranted and keep contact to a minimum. we aren’t going to fish Saturday.
Speaker: Maya Burke, Tampa Bay Estuary Program Subject. Red Tide
Their mission is to build partnerships to restore and protect Tampa Bay through implementation of a scientifically sound, community-based management plan. Collaborating with other scientists, TBEP monitors progress in achieving the goals of the community’s plan for a healthy Tampa Bay. Burke will discuss this year’s red tide event and what made it unusually bad for Tampa Bay. She will also summarize the state of nutrient pollution and water quality (including the latest effects from the Piney Point discharges), other harmful algal blooms (like Pyrodinium bahamense in Old Tampa Bay), and recent declines in seagrass.
Our August speaker will be Maya Burke, Assistant Director of the | Tampa Bay Estuary Program | . TBEP’s |
• 6:45 pm: President Rick Warfel calls the meeting to order
Sorry group.